Tag: Cybersmart

Writing a thoughtful comment and making a connection

To write a thoughtful comment it helps to make a connection with what the blogger has shared in their post.

First we need to read the post and notice – does the blog post remind us of something similar?

We used some comment starters on our site to help us.

Here are some examples of our comments. Click the screenshots to see the blog post and comments.

Can you identify the parts of the comment where we have tried to make a connection with the blogger?

Comment by Primrose
Comment by Fatima



Positive and Specfic

This week we focused on including positive words in our comments. First we need to spend time reading the blog post we are going to comment on. Reading blog posts also helps our reading mileage. It is inspiring to see what other learners are creating and sharing.

Next we chose something specific in the blog post to comment about. We used the word list on our class site to help us choose one or two positive words.

When we leave a comment on a class or learner blog we submit a link to the comment so we can tally up how many comments we have written this term. We can check out comment submissions on the response sheet each week to track our progress.


It’s cool to be kind

Today we focused on the positive words we can use when writing blog comments. We have set ourselves a challenge to comment on blogs at least once a week. We are using these word lists to help us select positive words and comment starters.

Brendan and Zephaniah created these illustrations using some of our kind words.

Have you received a kind comment on your blog that made you feel good?

Future Footprints

What digital footprint would you be proud of in the future? This week we looked online for people in our community who have a positive digital footprint and people in our community recognised for their efforts. Everyone has a digital footprint not just celebrities and sports stars. What digital footprint would you be proud of in the future?

email and our Digital Footprint

When we write an email we need to use positive, helpful and kind words. How we write emails also adds to our positive digital footprint. Today Mrs Grant sent us an email. We labeled the parts that are important to remember when we send an email. It reminded us of writing a quality blog comment too.


Digital Trails

Today we recorded our digital trails from the last 24 hours on a map. We used our Chromebook History to remind us of all the places we had visited online at school. We also thought about the places we had visited online when we are not at school. We noticed that our digital footprint can get very big, very quickly.

What does your digital footprint look like over the past 24 hours?

Shift + Ctrl + T

This week we used all our Cybersmart learning from the past term to create a poster in Google Drawings to share our top keyboard shortcut tip. We need to use lots of the keyboard shortcuts we have been learning and practising to create our posters. Do you have a top tip for using your chromebook?

Here is Devinah’s poster. What are the keyboard shortcuts that Devinah might have used to create the Chromebook in the poster?



Today we explored Tangrams to practise and gain confidence navigating our keyboard and keyboard shortcuts.

A tangram includes 7 shapes  or polygons that can be moved, rotated and flipped to create objects, animals and people.

First we practised the keyboard shortcuts to move, rotate and flip. Then we tried some of the Tangram challenges.

Visit our learning site to see more about the Tangram Challenge.

Here are some of the challenges we tried.

by Fatima
By Victoria
by Nilah